
March Diaper Drive

Giving little behinds a little spring in their step! All funds and diapers donate benefit families in the Bitterroot Valley through WIC, Public Health, and Sapphire Early Learning Center.  1...

Gala Weekend at Sleeping Child Hot Springs

Support Cultivating Connections Montana and our mission of 'Building Community Through Food'.  Participate in our Fun-Raiser weekend at the Sleeping Child Hot Springs. Choose from the *Gala Dinner on Friday, March...

Gala Weekend at Sleeping Child Hot Springs

Support Cultivating Connections Montana and our mission of 'Building Community Through Food'.  Participate in our Fun-Raiser weekend at the Sleeping Child Hot Springs.  Choose from the *Gala Dinner on Friday,...

Free Family Activity: SaintPatrick’sDay

Ravalli County Museum 205 Bedford Street, Hamilton

May the Luck O’ the Irish be with you as you create a colorful collage celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. Choose from a plethora of colors and make a rainbow with...


Idea Swap!

Sleeping Child Hot Springs 2970 Sleeping Child Rd, Hamilton

IDEA SWAP!  Building Community Through Conversation. Join with members of our Western Montana community at the beautiful Sleeping Child Hot Springs to share ideas and grow our collective potential for good.  Arrive...
