Poppin’ Bottles for Wings horse rescue

Shed Horn Cellars 335 W. Main St., Hamilton

Join us for wine, bingo and fun on Saturday, March 15, 2-8pm for Shed Horn Cellars Poppin’ Bottles for Non-Profits fundraising event! Shamrock Nell will be there to give out...

Intro to End-of-Life Planning: Why We Don’t & How We Can

Bitterroot Public Library 306 State St., Hamilton

A session for people who... feel overwhelmed by the idea of wills and advance directives want a way to talk with their loved ones about end-of-life needs want to avoid...


Greenhouse Share!

Already Love growing but wish you had more space for starting your plants? Interested in starting to grow your plants from seed? Curious about greenhouses? Want to learn more about how to grow...


I keep hearing about AI…what is it?

North Valley Public Library 208 Main St, Stevensville

You're already using Artificial Intelligence (AI). If you get directions from Google Maps, benefit (and sometimes suffer) from autocorrect, check the weather on your phone, or watch a show on...

Free Family Activity: Tulip Paintings

Ravalli County Museum 205 Bedford Street, Hamilton

Spring Equinox sunshine is warming the earth and tulips are emerging from their winter sleep. Use watercolors to paint a garden full of flowers to celebrate the season!


Greenhouse Share!

Already Love growing but wish you had more space for starting your plants? Interested in starting to grow your plants from seed? Curious about greenhouses? Want to learn more about how to grow...


Protect Your Brain: What Everyone Needs to Know About Strokes

North Valley Public Library 208 Main St, Stevensville

Are you protecting your most important asset—your brain? A stroke changes the lives of not only the person who experiences one but also their family. This is a program you...

“YAY, SPRING” Online Line Auction

YAY! IT’S TIME FOR AUCTION FUN!  Are you ready to send winter on its way? The GFWC Bitterroot Woman’s Club is too, and we hope you will help us usher...


Free Family Activity: Flower Fairies

Ravalli County Museum 205 Bedford Street, Hamilton

Let your imagination go wild as you craft a whimsical fairy from repurposed silk flowers, chenille stems & little plastic wings. Draw a cute face on the wooden bead head,...


Lunchtime Writing Retreat

North Valley Public Library 208 Main St, Stevensville

Carve out time to write or work on a creative project without the distractions at home. This is the perfect opportunity to commit to your writing practice, finish that lingering...

Free Family Activity: Animal Tracks

Ravalli County Museum 205 Bedford Street, Hamilton

Choose from an assortment of pre-cast plaster animal tracks and bring out every detail with acrylic paint. Learn about animal tracking and look for tracks in the woods! Ages 4...
