Leadership Bitterroot is solely sponsored by the Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce and is designed to inform, expose and teach participants about the valley’s history and its economic drivers both past and present. The program strives to expose students to a forward vision approach and to be proactive in the future development of our communities while exploring the possibilities of the future economic growth and stability of the Bitterroot Valley. We will explore the diverse business culture in the Bitterroot and how we, as a region within Montana, must evolve to assure our economic prosperity.
Leadership Bitterroot

Please note Leadership applications for this session are closed for 2024.
Each month, participants will be exposed to informative topics as well as opportunities to meet and converse with community and business leaders who are currently shaping policy and providing direction within the Bitterroot Valley. After completing the nine month program, we encourage participants to take the knowledge they have gained, the passion for their communities they have kindled and combine it with a new found vision for the future and go forth for a strong future of the Bitterroot Valley and the State of Montana.
Leadership Bitterroot is a nine month program that meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month starting in September and ending in May of the following year. This is an “all day” class with travel and lunch arrangements included. Class is limited to 25 participants and requires the participants to facilitate the next year’s class schedule and agenda. Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of establishing a diverse mix of age, background, community involvement interests, opinions and attitudes as expressed in their personal application form.
Tuition is $400 for Chamber of Commerce members. Non-Chamber members will be charged $500. Tuition covers all costs of the retreat, meals and graduation celebration. Payment plans are available upon request.
Topics of the Nine Month Program
- History of the Bitterroot Valley
- Strategic Business Outlook
- The Economic Pulse Locally and Statewide
- Non-Profit Sector
- Healthcare Industries
- City, County and State Government
- Natural Resources and Agriculture
- Media
- Education
- Justice System

Goals of Leadership Bitterroot
- To educate, increase community awareness and motivate potential community leaders.
- To acquaint potential leaders with community issues, needs and problems, while exploring options and opportunities for the betterment of our communities.
- To give each class an opportunity to meet past and present leaders in our communities, to associate in a meaningful way with their peers that will lead to the students' greater community awareness and future involvement.
- To supplement the employer training received by these students in such a way as to maximize their contributions back to their sponsoring organizations.

Benefits to the Individual
- Creates a lasting business and community network collaboration.
- Creates lasting friendships with individuals from varied backgrounds.
- Gain a broad knowledge and awareness of issues, systems and assets in the Bitterroot.
- Redefines and sharpens leadership skills, community involvement and enhances professional and volunteer activities.
- Meet and work with decision makers, industry leaders and frontline personnel.

Benefits to the Employer
- Employees will gain insight into community issues and concerns that will strengthen their company’s involvement in civic affairs and community awareness that builds a positive company image.
- The Leadership program gives access to a network of community leaders and resources.
- Participation helps to keep the Bitterroot Valley’s position viable as a great place to live and do business.
- Creates synergy and creative collaboration between the public and private sectors of our Bitterroot communities.